Salam all
Recently I had an opportunity to represent Pakistan at LinuxAsia 2007. Here are my observations.
P.S Could the moderators move this to PSEB forum and also make the PSEB forum public so people can comment and share their views on it.
LinuxAsia action items for Pakistan
* Openoffice representative Louis Suarez-Potts requires help in formulating a team for testing openoffice urdu version
* Opensource GIS india chapter is looking for collaboration in Pakistan
* Number of muslim student groups are interested in helping in urdu localization efforts
Summary of Round table discussion of south asian countries on open source in e-government and education
Chair Person: Sufyan Kakahel (Open source resource center, Pakistan)
* All south asian countries have taken some sort of initiative to promote open source
* Greater collaboration among these countries could avoid duplication of efforts and improve efficiency
* Localization needs to be taken up at higher priority in certain countries which are lagging
Afghanistan (Afghan computer science association)
Contact Name: Omar Mansoor Ansari
They are completely new to the world of open source and are keen to learn from neighboring countries.
Bhutan (Department of information technology)
Contact Name: Pema Geyleg
* Complete localization in local language under the supervision of PAN project (Dr Sarmad Hussain)
* Bhutan portal prepared using LAMP stack
* Able to create awareness of open source
* Prepared FOSS policy for Bhutan
For further information
India (National Informatics Center)
National E-governance programme
Key priority areas
* Localization and language technology standards
* Quality and documentation
* Meta Data and Data Standards for Application Domains
* Network and Information Security
* Technical Standards and E-Governance Architecture
Working groups are being set up for each of the above areas of Standards. Originating white papers on all desired standards to serve as discussion papers for Working Groups to develop standards need to be prepared at the first instance.
India (National resource center for FOSS)
Contact Name: C.N Krishnan
Trial project in Tamil Nadu state
* Two FOSS elective courses introduced in to 50 engineering colleges/universities
* Proper course curriculum designed for the courses in collaboration with linux user community
* Two text books published for the courses
* 100 teachers from these colleges trained for the courses
* FOSS labs were setup in the above colleges to facilitate execution of courses
Nepal (Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering)
Contact Name: Dr. Subarna Shakya
Email :
* Master plan for FOSS being sent to cabinet for approval
* open source based data center (korean government sponsored)
o Government portal
o Groupware
Sri Lanka (Lanka software foundation)
Contact Name: Chamindra de Silva
* No explicit FOSS policy at the moment
* All government computers use openofffice on windows
* eSrilanka budget PC (Linux based) ... atsnew.asp
* Complete localization support
IRAN (Advanced Information & Communication Technology Center of Sharif University)
Contact Name: Mohammad Khansari
* Physical network laid out
* Linux operation system being deployed on server side
* Migration of databases away from oracle in progress
* Very active linux users community
* Complete localization of gnome and kde in farsi
* Translation of databases in progress
LinuxAsia 2007.India
Moderator: ProjectsAdmins
- Lance Naik
- Posts: 30
- Joined: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:20 am