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Installing Adobe Suite on Linux

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:22 am
by SAAD_linux
Hey,,, I am new around here (as a linux user) I just migrated from world suckiest..!! software in the entire computer history which is "windows" to the world's cOolest one which is "LINUX". Hale to LINUX . I am a Media student and I am facing problem installing couple of softwares like Adobe suite, maya, qiucktime, flash player etc. One of my friend told me to install these through a software called "WINE" in linux but, it didn't work. Please some body will help me?, because I fed-up using "suckindos" and now I feel embarrassed using it.


Regards: SAAD

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:53 am
by Muhammad Saad

First of all, I need to point out that you should not use so many abusive words. I know that you have had lots of problems with Windows but this is not the right way.

I can suggest a few applications that I know well enough.

GIMP as a photoshop alternative.
InkScape for Vector Graphics.
Blender for 3D graphics.

These are the most popular applications that come to mind before anything else. Other applications will be suggested by advanced users who have good experience of graphics designing. I cannot recommend anything besides this because of my lack of knowledge in graphics and animation.